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Transport Museum

Tramway Managers

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Lisbon No.730

This 1930 tramcar was acquired by the MTPS and fully restored within a two year period. The only single decker at the museum, it is the first standard gauge ex Lisbon tram in the world.

Lisbon 730 was donated to the Society by Alan Pearce and arrived at Taylor St. on 14th February 2004. He had intended it to be used at Seaton but the car had been stored at Walton-on-Naze in Essex for some time.

The wheels of 730 have had to be regauged to standard gauge in order to be able to run on the Heritage Tramway.

 Wirral Borough Council have transferred the museum to Big Heritage. Big heritage have decided that Lisbon 730 did not fit into their future plans for the transport museum. As such they told the MTPS to remove the tram. The tram was transferred to Beamish Museum on 26 January 2024 and will join their fleet where it will soon be operational.

Pictures  of Lisbon tram 730 during restoration
730 resto
730  resto 2

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Isle of Man 11 & 47