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Tramway Managers

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 Tramway Managers
Major RR Greene
(later to become Colonel)
Wallasey Corporation Tramways Manager
RR Greene
RR Greene was Wallasey Corporation Tramways first Tramways Manager, hired on a salary of £250 p.a.
He was previously an accountant with the dock board, he lived at 216 Seabank Road, Wallasey now home to  a motorcycle dealer. Major Greene was in charge of the local garrison fort known as Fort Paerch Rock. The battery appears to have been a volunteers outfit, there were orders to keep the French, out traditional enemy, at bay. Fort Perch Rock was built in the 1850's. He appears to have run the tramway in a military manner, expecting staff to salute before speaking to him. The uniforms were also in a military style. Major Greene retired at the age of 70 on a life pension of £268.00 p.a.
Tramways Hat
Below is a picture of Wallasey Corporation Tramways staff
Tramway Staff
Note the lack of maintanance staff in "scruffy" overalls