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Transport Museum

Tramway Managers

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visitors since 21st July 2005

Become a member


To join the Merseyside Tramway Preservation Society Ltd.

and help it continue its work of preserving and documenting the North West's tramway heritage,

download and print a copy of our membership form.

The form will open in a separate window/tab

fill it in and send it to:
Mr. Ieuan Rayner (MTPS Membership Secretary).
Flat 6, 11 Ashville Road ,
Merseyside ,
CH41 8AU

Adult membership is £15 per annum, Junior Membership  (under 18yrs old) is £7.50per annum
all remittances should be made payable to M.T.P.S.Ltd.

Please also download a copy of our Gift Aid form. This enables us to claim a tax refund on your membership fee and any donations you make.


The form will open in a separate window, please fill it in and send it with your membership form

General Data Protection Regulation

We have to store your data in a manner which is compliant to the above regulations

For a copy of our Data Protection Privacy Policy please click the link below


Benefits of Membership

As a member of the MTPS you will receive a quarterly newsletter full of interesting information.

When visiting Heaton Park Tramway, Manchester (MTMS)

please show your MTPS membership card as this will allow you to ride free of charge.

The National Tramway Museum at Crich, Derbyshire (TMS)

Show your MTPS membership card to receive free entry

Merseyside Tramway Preservation Society Limited
is registered charity No. 1092127 dated 21st May 2002
Company Registration No. 4374320 dated 14th February 2002