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Transport Museum

Tramway Managers

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Warrington No.28


On Saturday 24th July 2004, Warrington No.28 was safely delivered to Taylor Street depot from St. Helens Transport Museum, 30 years after being saved for preservation by the late Ray Henton and Alan Pritchard.

Withdrawn in the 1930s the Milnes built car had been in use as a bowling green shelter in Cuddington until 1977.

An assortment of vital components have been obtained for Warrington No. 28 including, Controllers, Air Tanks, Sand Hoppers, etc., not to mention a truck (an ex Brussels longwheelbase Brill 79E).


8 in service

Warrington Car No 8 in service. Warrington Car No. 28 will have the same style covered balcony
28 in Taylor St.
Manhandling the tram body onto the MTPS airport trolley
28 in Taylor Street.
Some months later with enclosed end.
Terry Martin
MTPS Chairman Tery Martin restoring a destination blind box
Bob Jones' indulgence
A decorative roof panel waiting to be restored
Redy to lift
Moving an upper deck side panel
Side panel in place
Upper deck side panel in place
28 at BATS 2019

28 Feb 2020

Tram 28

Tram 28 2

Birkenhead 7
Isle of Man 11 & 47