Archive 2011 |
WIRRAL BUS AND TRAM SHOW . Sunday 2nd October 2011. |
Below: MTPS crew line up for the day (photos courtesy of Mike Mercer) |
Below: Lisbon Bus No. 255 alongside Lisbon Tram 730. A first in the UK (photos courtesy of Mike Mercer) |
Below: The special steel lifting frame has now been constructed to allow for the tram sub-frame to be removed. (photos courtesy of Mike Mercer) |
Below: View of the top deck floor with the last finishing touches being made, along with a final coat of paint. (The temporary rail around the top is for health and safety reasons. (photo: R. Jones). |
Below: Lower saloon with side ventilator windows fitted. The traction wiring has almost been completed. This will allow for the re-fitting of the internal bulkheads. (photo: R. Jones). |
Below: An end platform is nearing completion, with controller, handbrake and point iron in position. The hand rail and step are temporarily secured in position. (photo: R. Jones). |
Below: One headlamp has been rebuilt, fitted and painted. (photo: R. Jones). |
Below: Warrington No.2 spent most of its working life on the Latchford to Sankey route. In this view you can see the new replica destination board which has been copied from a surviving original. (photo: R. Jones). |
David Pendleton, who over-saw the founding of the MTPS web site in the 1990's passed away suddenly on February 7th 2011. He was 66.
A lifelong transport enthusiast and a keen modeller, David had been battling Parkinson's disease since 1992.
He travelled on Tram J (Car 252) in the final procession of Liverpool tramcars back in September 1957 despite being ill at the time.
On a blind date at the Grafton he met Mary, his wife of 44 years. The couple had two sons who are both transport enthusiasts. Family man Dave was also interested in opera, rhythm and blues and cajun music. He was also a keen and gifted painter.
David's last job was on the Liverpool docks where he was involved in the long running and bitter strike of the 1990's. Though his own job was saved he eventually took redundancy to battle his advancing illness.
As his illness progressed he was nursed by Mary and his final months were spent in a nursing home. David's interest in heritage tramway never waned and he would visit in his wheelchair or view events from Mary's parked car.
A number of society members were at his humanist funeral at Thornton Crematorium on February 15th. Preserved Liverpool Atlantean L501 driven by MTPS member Peter Cammack brought a number of mourners to and from the cemetery. In lieu of flowers almost £500 in donations were received by the Society and it is hoped a specific item for Liverpool No. 245 will be financed by this. David was present filming this tram when it left Juniper Street in 2006.
Sincere condolences go to Mary, and sons Andrew and Steven and their families.
David Pendleton. |
Birkenhead 20 update. 10th June .
Below: Birkenhead 20 went out on test after having its new wheel sets fitted. The internal top deck, stairs and floors have been re-painted and replacement parts have been fitted to the sliding doors where necessary. The wheels have been retyred and profiled to the new MTPS specification. During testing, the car ran with unprecedented smoothness through the curves and points.
photo: Mike Mercer.
245 emerges from the depot for the first time.
Below: 245 is being shunted out of the depot in order to move Birkenhead 20 for testing.
all photos by Mike Mercer.
Wallasey 78 in its Royal Wedding livery.
Below: MTPS members are already getting into the festive spirit of the Royal Wedding. Wallasey 78 is here shown sporting its new Royal Wedding livery. Many thanks to all the members who were involved in dressing the tram for the celebrations. |
Normal service resumes.
Below: With work on the Police Office completed, the overhead line was reconnected on Wednesday 23rd March 2011. Full line working will be back to normal from 1pm on Saturday 25th March 2011. |
Original Police Office for Birkenhead Docks, Shore Road.
Below: This building sustained damage to the roof during the gales in February. One of the coping-stones were dislodged, making the building unsafe. To carry out repair work it was necessary for scaffolding to be erected and the site to be fenced off.
This means the Tramway is having to run short workings until further notice. |
Lisbon 730 (below) is seen short working at the temporary terminus, with DRIVER JEFF MARTIN turning the trolley for the return journey. |
MTPS make a great start to 2011. |
The above pictures speak for the quality of the restoration carried out by MTPS members over a period 21years. All the funding was provided by hard earned money donated by loyal members of the society. The mechanical reliability was well proved as 762 clocked up 550 miles on Blackpool Promenade without fault.