visitors since 21st July 2005 |
Archive 2001 |
Friday 7th December 2001
On this top deck shot is Bob Warwick, Society stills photographer, and Rev Bob Sanders.
Both worked on the car at some time. (R.Jones) |
Another top deck shot approaching Woodside. (R.Jones) |
At Woodside. (R.Jones) |
Returning to Taylor Street. (R.Jones) |
Wednesday 21st November 2001
Although THE LIVERPOOL UNIVERSITY PUBLIC TRANSPORT SOCIETY, the forerunner of the MTPS, no longer exists, the name of the society continues mainly through an annual get together, based around a bus tour in early May. Now a website has been created to provide an online presence for LUPTS and the MTPS is pleased to provide a link to it:
http://www.lupts.org.uk/ |
THE BUS AND TRAM SHOW - Sunday 7th October 2001 |
This year's show attracted an even greater number of visitors than last year, and for most of the day the weather kept fine. |
A fully-loaded Liverpool 762 arrives at the Old Colonial to be met by a queue waiting to return to Woodside. |
The view from Egerton Bridge. The Mersey tunnel ventilation shaft is in the distance. Behind it is Liverpool Anglican Cathedral. |
A variety of vehicles at the rally site. As well as buses, there were veteran and vintage cars on display. |
Birkenhead 20, both decks packed with visitors, heading for Taylor Street as the forecast wet weather approaches. |
Inside Taylor St. depot - sales stands, trams and buses. More sales stands were to be found at Pacific Rd. |
MTPS VISIT CRICH - Sunday 23rd September 2001 |
Our preserved mode of transport, parked outside the almost completed Red Lion pub. |
869, reserved for the use of the MTPS party, passing the Red Lion. |
A final pic as 869 heads back to the depot displaying route 31 to Spellow Lane.. |
The view from London 1622. |
869 with MTPS member Dave Webster driving, passes Blackpool 167. |
Visitors thank MTPS member and Crich stalwart Malcolm Wright (left) who kindly provided driving tuition on 869, and MTPS trip organiser Keith Carmichael (right). |
News of 245 |
There is another Liverpool tram in existence on Merseyside. It is "Baby Grand" No.245 and it is owned by the National Museums & Galleries on Merseyside. Since September 1957 when it returned to Edge Lane Depot as part of the final procession of Liverpool's trams, 245 has spent most of its time in storage. For a while it was at Steamport in Southport (photo-1985), but for the last few years it has been in a warehouse in Bootle.
In the second week in September three members of the MTPS Restoration Team paid a visit to the Juniper St Store of NMGM in Bootle. Detailed photographs and reports have been written up by Ray Fripp and Keith Dewar. These have been passed to Rob Jones who is compiling the final report suggesting what is to be done to save 245 from further decay.
The team who visited the Store have over 70 years Tram Preservation
experience between them so let's hope that NMGM are pleased with our suggestions.
More at the end of the year on this subject.
BIRKENHEAD 20 is 100 years old! |



Sunday 12th August 2001 Despite the rainy weather, by 2pm a fair crowd had turned up to watch the proceedings. |

Final preparations being made in the depot while awaiting the arrival of the Mayor and Queen Victoria. |
MTPS Secretary Rob Jones welcomes the Mayor. |


Conductor Ron Martin and driver Mike Mercer ready for the off. |
"******* rain!!" |
A decorated 20 journeys to the terminal stub to take part in a reconstruction of a 1901 photograph. See below. |
Distinguished Visitors |
The High Sheriff of Merseyside, Mr Peter Toyne and his wife, Angela, paid an informal visit to the Tramway and other tourist attractions on 18th June. They are seen here at Woodside terminus. |
Staff Changes |
Our first female volunteer clippie, Pam Fripp, on her first day of duty, and Mike Mercer exchanging the "staff" (made by MTPS member Ernie McCormack) at the passing loop. (left to right - Noel Blore, Keith Carmichael, Pam Fripp, Mike Mercer, Jack Gahan, John Harrison and Keith Dewar). |
Sun. 20th May 2001 - THE RETURN OF WALLASEY 78!
On the day that Liverpool FC returned in triumph on one side of the Mersey, MTPS members on the other bank celebrated the triumphant re-emergence of Wallasey 78. Having received number and lettering transfers only the day before, 78 was driven out of Taylor Street depot to be photographed.
MTPS Secretary, Rob Jones, on the left and Treasurer, Ron Martin, acknowledge the support given by the HERITAGE LOTTERY FUND to the restoration of Wallasey 78.