Birkenhead 93
| Birkenhead
Corporation Transport Fleet No. 93, registration No. RCM493 was one of
four Leyland Leopard L1's purchased in 1964 to replace four Leyland
Tiger PS1's dating from 1948. They were supplied with Wigan built
Massey Brothers single deck bodies with front entrance and centre exit
doors for one man operation.
Initially purchased for route 44 New Ferry to Eastham to go under a low
bridge on Bromborough Road, they were later diverted to other routes
such as the 97 and the late night, early hours tunnel bus.
No. 93 together with its three sisters were transferred to the M.P.T.E
in 1969 and remained in service until 1977. It later became a road
safety display vehicle for W.B.C. In 1993 it was donated to Wirral
Transport Museum and restored by 201 Bus Group.