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Transport Museum

Tramway Managers

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visitors since 21st July 2005
News 2018
We have re-opened!
Saturday 21st July proved to be a very busy day with a large queue forming outside the new entrance door. So much so that we had to open 15 minutes early! With the re-opening and hosting our Teddy Bear Day event we were kept very busy with several hundred visitors of all ages coming through the doors. All the trams were full to capacity for most of the day. The volunteers in our new Tea Room and Sales Kiosk were kept very busy all day.
If you haven't already been why not come down and see the changes that have been made and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in our cafe and have a look at the souvenirs in our kiosk.

Re-opening Date Confirmed
Saturday 21st July
Saturday 21st July at 1.00pm Wirral Transport Museum will open its doors to the public for the first time since 16th December 2017. Visitors will of all ages and abilities will now be able to visit both levels of the museum thanks to our new disabled person lift and carer stairs. We have new toilets, a cafe, sales kiosk, a new viewing area. Of course we also have all our old favourites, the model railway, Buses and the trams. We also have revamped displays around the museum.
New entrance

Opening Delayed
It is with regret that we have to announce the re-opening of the museum has been delayed. Unfortunately we have been unable to get the museum ready to re-open in time the 26th May.

The new target date is now 21st July 2018.

This is to allow contractors to finish all the work to a high standard and also to allow the volunteers time to prepare all of the displays and make sure that all areas are clean, tidy and above all, safe for the public to  enjoy the new re-vamped museum.

Target re-opening date is announced

After closing in December for a six month major renovation and refurbishment, we have set a  target re-opening date of 26th May 2018 at 1.00pm.

Inside the museum building some of the changes include a new entrance foyer, new cafe, new male, female and disabled toilets, new exhibition and workshop spaces, a new upper mezzanine viewing area and full disabled access with our new lift and carers steps. Now everyone can enjoy all that the museum has to offer. Full weekend running including extended running days during school holidays will also resume on May 26th.
For fully up to date information please check our facebook page
New Entrance
Fully refurbished Mersey Ferry Ticket Booths in our new foyer